Project Share

Program application summary

Note: Fields marked with a * are required.

To complete your application, we need to ask you a few questions.

To be eligible for Project Share, you must meet the following requirements:

Your total monthly household income (before taxes and deductions) is between one of the following:

How many people are in your household, including yourself? *

Monthly household income *

Please verify your income information is current and acurate. *

Please enter your first and last name *

Please enter your Seattle City Light (SCL) account number. *

Please enter your 10 digit phone number. *

Please enter your current address. *

How would you like the City to contact you when there are changes to the status of your application? *

Are you of Hispanic, Latina/Latino/Latinx or Spanish origin?

What is your race?

What is your preferred language?

How did you hear about our services?

The information you provide may be shared with partnering City departments to determine eligibility for additional governmental benefits for which you may qualify. Customer data may be shared with third-party contractors to conduct essential utility business, such as printing and mailing bills and providing inserts on city programs that increase your access to free or discounted services and products. *

By checking the box below, I certify that the information I provided in this application is true and correct. I agree to follow the rules of the Project Share Program. I will pay back any discount I receive if I have provided false information to the Project Share Program. *

By entering your full name below, you are agreeing to the following statement: *

This page is for internal use only. Please leave it blank and continue with your application.
